Branding SSO for Your School
This page will tell you about how to upload your school's logo or banner, as well as the photo for the login page.
The logo or banner image in SSO will automatically appear on student-facing reports, emails from SSO, and in the very top right of the each page.
Where to go
Go to: Settings > Images
What to do
Uploading a logo or banner
Logo/Banner page will be automatically selected.
For a Logo, the image you upload will need to be at least 150x150 pixels.
For a Banner the image will need to be at least 450 x 120 pixels.
Choose whether you want to display a Logo or the Banner, by clicking the 'Active' button on the right of your preferred option.
Load your image
Drag the .jpg or .png image into the appropriate field (make sure you're dropping it into the logo area for logos, and banner area for banners)
Select the area of the image you want to use, by clicking and dragging over the area you want. It will proportionally scale the selected area automatically.
The resulting image that will be displayed throughout SSO will show in on the right side, above, the drag and drop area.
Remember to click Save at the end.
Uploading a background image
Switch from Logo/Banner to Background Image:
Choose a colourful image with decent resolution.
The image you choose will be the background image on desktop computers (top) and on mobile devices (below).
The image you upload must be at least 1920 x 1080 pixels.
Load your background image
Drag the .jpg or .png image into the appropriate field.
Select the area of the image you want to use, by clicking and dragging over the area you want. It will proportionally scale the selected area for you.
The resulting image that will be displayed throughout SSO will show in on the right side, above, the drag and drop area.
Remember to click Save at the end.