Single Sign On Functionality (SSO)
This page provides information on the SSO options available with Booked.
Single sign-on (SSO) is a technology which combines several different application login screens into one. With SSO, a user only has to enter their login credentials (username, password, etc.) one time on a single page to access all of their SaaS applications.
Using SSO functionality requires user (teacher and parent) email data be including in your Booked data.
Single Sign On (SSO) Options
At present Booked provides SSO functionality in conjunction with the below integrations partners:
To request information on how to establish SSO for your Booked service please contact us at Educonnex Support
User with multiple Booked Roles
If a User has multiple Roles Booked will ask them to choose which role they wish to act as.
This will most generally apply to Teachers, who are also Parents of a student involved in your current event.
If access for a group of Users (Parents/Teachers) is not currently open they will be advised with an exclamation mark, and warning message.
Option to hide the standard manual login field, when using Single Sign On
Optional setting to hide the manual login fields when utilising Single Sign On.
With the growing popularity of teachers and parents accessing Booked via single sign on (SSO) we have created an optional setting to hide the normal login fields, replaced by the SSO login button.
Please contact the Educonnex Support Team at Educonnex Support or on 02 4304 3000 to discuss, or arrange, implementation of this setting.
Standard display Manual Login Fields and Single Sign On
Option to display Single Sign On login only