Academic Levels
This area is where all Academic Levels that your school offers should be entered.
If connected to Educonnex, your Academic Level data will automatically be populated for you.
If not, click the 'Add Academic Level' button to add the details for each Academic Level to be offered by your school, as outlined below.
Administration > System Set Up> Academic Levels
This workspace provides the ability to:
Edit | |
Save | |
| |
Reactivate | |
Re-order |
Deactivating an entry will not delete it rather it will retain the entry as a Deactivated record that can, if needed, be Reactivated in the future.
Adding an Academic Level
To create an Academic Level
select the Add button
record the Code (up to 6 characters)
record the Name
select a Campus from the drop down-box
This area of Enrolled is not used to control the intakes of a particular Academic Year. Instead, this can be done from the Academic Years page.