Term Dates

Term Dates

Educonnex allows schools to manage their own term dates and, therefore, school years. The creation of terms dates is required for the management of curriculum information for the coming year, creation of timetables and rolling over of students from one school year to the next.


Accessing Term Dates

  1. Go to Menu > Administration > Term Dates

    A new screen will appear

  2. Click Actions > New Term

  3. Complete the required fields

Start and end date should not include any public holidays or pupil free days as these can be set within the timetables.

If the academic year of the school spans two calendar years 

In Year, enter the final calendar year of the full academic year. For example, if the academic year starts in September 2018 and concludes in August 2019, you should enter 2019.

Once you've entered the 'Year' value, you can choose how this is displayed throughout Educonnex in Display Year As.

If the dates are different for some year levels

  1. To enter any overrides click Add override and complete fields. Overrides can be used to set different term dates for different year levels if required. 

  2. Click Save

  3. Repeat for all terms

    All existing term dates are displayed on the left of the page, while the term date details will display on the right. 

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