

Go to Administration > Tasks

Screen familiarisation

Users who have access to the Tasks function will see:

  • My Tasks - these are tasks assigned to the user

  • All Tasks - these are all tasks in Educonnex, subject to any visibility restrictions set for the task. This option may not be available to all users, if their role in Educonnex is restricted.

  • Search Tasks - where tasks can be searched by keyword

  • View - where to toggle the display of all / incomplete / completed tasks

  • Tasks - tiles of each of the tasks that match the parameters set for the options above

Creating a new Task

Click the  icon.

This will open up a new task.

Complete the details that appear in the new Task tile. Below is a sample, with some additional information on the fields available.

When completed, click  to save.

Viewing, editing, and marking a task as completed/incomplete

If the task is contracted like the image below, click the dropdown to expand it.


Click  at the bottom left of the task.

Edit any fields as required.

If a task has been completed, click  to change the status to .

Similarly, click  to change the status to  if a task needs to be re-opened.

Once the required changes are made, click  to save the changes.

To deactivate or activate a Task

If the task is contracted like the image below, click the dropdown to expand it.

Click     at the bottom of the task.

Confirm that you wish to deactivate the task by clicking .

Deactivating the Task will mean that it will not appear in the Actions Required area of the assignee's dashboard.


The task will still be visible in case it is still required. To re-activate the task, click.

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