Home Group Management

Home Group Management

Go to Menu > Administration > Home Groups

Already have home groups?

Home groups are mutually exclusive of roll-over. If there are minor changes, such as only some students changing around, a different staff member, or a change in location, it is quickest just to make the minor changes to the existing structure. This also includes the academic year it is associated with. For more details on creating a completely new home group, or modifications to an existing home group, see the relevant headings below. 

Creating a New Home Group

Click Actions, then choose New Home Group.

Fill in the details as appropriate, then click Save.


The new Home Group will then appear in the list of Home Groups on the left.

Editing an Existing Home Group

If you need to change the details you've entered for a Home Group, choose the home group from the left side of the page, click Edit. Once in Edit mode, Make the relevant changes, then click Save (which will appear when in Edit mode)..

Adding and Updating Staff Members

Once you've clicked the Home Group on the left, click the dropdown that has Search add in Staff Member and begin typing the name you want to add, then click Add. You can repeat this process if you need to add multiple staff members to the home group.

If you need to remove a staff member already linked to a home group, click the three dots on the right of their name, and choose Remove X from Home Group Y (X being the staff member's first name, Y being the description of the home group.


Adding Students

To add students, click the home group on the left, then select the Students tab, then Add Students.


This will load the advanced search for students - use the necessary criteria to search for students you want to add to the home group, then click Search.


Students that match the relevant criteria will then be displayed, and will be pre-selected. If you want to exclude any of the resulting entries from the home group, you can untick the checkbox next to their name. Click Save when you're done.


The names of the students who will be added will then be displayed. Click Save to continue.

The students are then added to the home group.

Removing and Moving Students Individually

To remove an existing student from a home group without adding them to another, click the three dots on the right of the name that you wish to remove, then click Remove X from Y (where X is the student name, and Y is the Home Group).

Students can only be assigned to one home group, so you can simply add a student to an existing to the new home group and it will remove the student from the old one. This can be done in the Home Group screen that this page relates to, or from a student's profile by going to the Student Details button and expanding the 'Groups' dropdown. You'll need to click Edit at the top of the page to make changes, and click Save when you're finished.



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