Creating a New Calendar Event

Creating a New Calendar Event

To create a new calendar event:

  1. Go to Menu > Calendar Events > Create New Calendar Event.

    The New Calendar Event screen opens.

2. Enter data for all sections.

    Below is a description of each Event Information field.






Define the name of the event


Select the category of calendar event eg. Excursion, Incursion, Camp etc. (mandatory). Calendar Event categories can be set in System Codes.

All day event

Tick if event covers the full school day

Start Date

Select date/time event begins

End date

Select date/time event ends


Select whether event is onsite or offsite


Select location of where the event will be taking place. If onsite is selected, then a list of school locations will be available to select from.


Enter the cost of event to participants.


Enter a description of the event. This description text will display to parents, students and teachers.

Requires permission

Tick this box if you require parental/guardian permission for the student to attend. This will send an actionable item to the parents/guardians of the student to permission the event. Once the parent/guardian has given permission, the participant list of the event will be updated (this is the default for all students attending the event, even if not added in the Group Attendance area).

Permission Text

Text that displays to parents in place of a paper permission slip. This option is mandatory if the Requires Permission option is selected.

3. Complete the Group Attendance fields if appropriate.

Refreshing participants from Group Attendance

If using Group Attendance, you can refresh any movements in the participants (such as taking out students who have left, and new ones that have joined), by editing the calendar event, then saving. 
Do this individually for each instance of a repeating calendar event, as required.






Year Levels / Classes

If there are whole year levels or whole classes that should be added for the calendar event, select them in these fields. If you add a whole year level, you don't need to add each class individually.

Requires Permission

Tick this box if you require parental/guardian permission for the student added via Group Attendance to attend. This will send an actionable item to the parents/guardians of the student to permission the event. Once the parent/guardian has given permission, the participant list of the event will be updated.

Has Permission

This field will be activated if Requires Permission has been selected, and should only be ticked if permission has already been obtained externally for students added as part of Group Attendance.

Requires Payment

Tick this box if you require payment for students added as part of Group Attendance that are attending the event. 

Has Paid

This field will be activated if Requires Payment is selected, and should only be ticked if payment has already been collected for students added via Group Attendance.


Additional text to save to the Event Information, if required.

If the Event Information page is edited and saved, it will refresh the list of students added via Group Attendance, based on the event date/s, where new students have started or students have left.

4. Select the appropriate attendance marking option.

The following table provides a description of the Event Attendance options:





No Attendance Marking

No roll will be generated for attendance marking

Event only attendance marking

Attendance can be marked, but will not impact on the student's daily attendance. Eg. An absence from the event will not be recorded as an absence from school or the period.

Required attendance marking

Attendance marking is required. The attendance that is marked on the calendar will override any class attendance that is marked for the student. The attendance marked on the calendar event is what will be used to determine the student's attendance for the day/time period the event is running. Where all classes for the day are overriden by a calendar event using this option, an approved absence will be created for the day for any student marked present at the event.

Automated attendance options

Attendance will override the timetable as per the above method, but attendance will be marked automatically and all students will be presumed present.

When using this method, normal daily class rolls should still be marked to maintain accurate attendance records.

If an override attendance marking option is selected, set the attendance category code that should be applied to the approved absence created by the event.


5. Click Save.

To now add participants to the created event see Adding Community Members to a Calendar Event.

In all cases normal class rolls should be marked.

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