Activating an Event

Activating an Event

A calendar event must be activated before it can appear in any of the participants' (or their guardians') calendars or before a roll can be generated from the event for attendance marking.

To activate the event:


  1. Go to Actions > Activate Event.

    A confirmation message will appear on the screen.

2. Click Yes. The status of the event will be stated on the top left of the screen.


Additional action for a calendar event can be performed from the Actions button. These include:

  • Create a new calendar event (See Creating a New Calendar Event)

  • Copy a calendar event (See Copying a Calendar Event)

  • Set the event to pending - if the event was incorrectly activated or changes need to be made, the event should be set to pending to make these updates then reactivated. Making changes while the event is active may not necessarily flow through.

  • Cancel event - cancels the event and removes it from community member calendars

  • Deactivate event - deactivates the event completely.

  • Generate calendar event contact list - generates a PDF document of all participants, their medical conditions and emergency contacts

  • Generate calendar event student roll - generates a PDF roll for manually taking attendance in the event that Educonnex is unable to be accessed.

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