

The Subject Management Module has been created to be able to supply schools with detailed analysis on the performance of students and teachers across the various subjects, over various periods of time. Therefore, the module has been broken up into 5 sections. The following notes have been prepared to explain how the module works together.  Further help documentation is available for each individual section.

Subject Management data must be entered into Educonnex in the order indicated below.


National Curriculum

By default, Educonnex will contain the National Curriculum subjects and their objectives, outcomes and content (where applicable). You will get the option to choose which outcomes you would like to report against in your Academic Reporting schedule without any major data entry.

Learning Areas

Here you create a space to group courses together enabling data (from Markbook and Academic Reporting) to be gathered for cross-analysis by heads of each learning area. This function enables you to cross-reference and analyse student, teacher and subject data. E.g. HSIE Learning Area including Geography, History, Economics and Commerce courses. Before creating a course the associated Learning Area needs to have been created. 


Here you set up each course the school has available. A course is your template or header subject - the template from which all running subjects will be copied. You can choose from the courses set up in the National Curriculum or create your own. Courses are linked to Learning areas, National Curriculum and Year groups. Here you store as much information about a subject.  Add your main outcomes for the course here.  


Here you set up subjects, which act as a copy of a course, only differing in that they are activated and deactivated based on if they are running that year. You do not need to give it a new name. You can choose which outcomes you would like to use from those already entered at the course level or you can create new ones. Also at this level, you can choose if you would like the subject to appear on the Academic Report and how it will be graded overall. 


You are now ready to add your classes to the subjects. The only naming requirement here is to be able to differentiate between the classes, if multiple exist for the same subject. E.g. A or B, Red or Yellow, Teacher Surnames etc. It will then add this as an extension to the Subject Name already created above. You also add your students to the classes at this level. 


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