Bulk Creating Subjects
To ensure that all the outcomes that you have added to your Courses are duplicated to your Subjects you need to fill in the Default Outcome Grading Scheme and Grading Method fields in the Details tab under Courses
To create subjects in bulk:
Go to Menu > Curriculum Management > Courses.
Click More to select the filters for your search.
Click the search icon.
Hover the cursor over a subject and tick the checkbox. Repeat this with all desired subjects.
Click Actions > Offer Courses.
A confirmation message will appear.
This is requesting you to look through each of the Courses and ensure that you have set the Grading information for each of the courses so that all the outcomes that have been set on the Course will be added to the Subject. This will reduce the amount of setting up you will need to complete for your Academic Reports later in the year.
If you have not completed this step, each of the outcomes for each of the Subjects will need to be separately linked at a later stage.
6. If you're happy to proceed click Create Subjects. Once completed a green tick will appear next to Subject management.
The subjects can be viewed under the subjects tab in the courses to which they've been linked.
You can now click on the Subject card under Subject management and it will take you directly to the Subject details where you can add the class members (see Adding Students to Classes), adjust outcomes (see Setting Outcomes for a Subject) and details.