Adding Students to a Class

Adding Students to a Class

Within a created class students can be added under the Students tab. Students can be added individually or collectively. 

To add an individual:

  1. Enter their name into the Add new student... search bar.

  2. Select the student from the drop-down. 

    A new screen will appear.

  3. Click Save.

    The student will now be displayed in the class list.

To add multiple students at a time:

  1. Click Add Students.

    A new screen will appear.

  2. Enter parameters you wish to search with. 

  3. Once completed click Search.

    A list of students who matched the search criteria will appear. 

    By default, all students will be selected. They can be deselected by unchecking the checkbox or individually deselecting students not required. 

  4. Once complete, click Select x People.

    A new screen will appear.

It is not possible to duplicate a student's enrolment in a class. If a student has already been enrolled in a class and you attempt to re-enrol, you will be notified at this stage of the process. Below is an example. 
You can continue the student selection process and the system will automatically discount possible duplicates.  

  5.  Click Save. Selected students will be added to the class list.

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