Setting Up Payment Configurations
When invoicing a client, you have the option to set up payment arrangements with each parent/carer.
For example, you may set up a yearly bill for school fees but allow the parents to pay the bill off over a period of time either by month, week, term (whatever you specify). By setting payment configurations, Educonnex will then split the bill into equal payments (according to the set up) and set individual invoices across the set time period.
For instance, if you set school fees to be paid for by school term - Educonnex will split the total amount due for the full year into four payments and create four invoices that will be future dated. This can then be exported to your accounting software and sent out to your school community members as the payment arises.
To create a payment configuration
Go to Menu > Finance > Micro-Billing > Payment Configurations.
You will see the default payment configurationClick Edit
Select the payment configurations you wish to activate (Upfront will be selected by default)
Complete the data entry fields.
Below is a description of each field:
Once completed click Save.
The created payment configuration will now appear in the list. You can now add categories to your payment configurations.
To add categories to your payment configurations
Click on the Categories button.
Click Edit.
Tick categories you wish to attach.
Click Save.
You can create additional payment configuration types, as needed
Go to Actions > New Configuration
Complete the required fields
Click Save