Email Templates
This page provides information on the customisable Email Templates available within Enrolled.
Administration > Email Templates
This workspace contains twelve template emails to assist you manage your enrolment applications through every stage of the process.
Available functionality within this workspace includes:
Edit | |
Save | |
Cancel | |
Available Parameters | Parameters such as names can be utilised to personalise these system-based email communications with applicants and staff users. |
Composing and Editing Email Templates
Select the desired Email Template Email from the list.
Select Edit and edit, or add content as required.
To assist you personalise your communications with parents/carers use the Placeholder Parameters, and the Text Formatting options available.
Select Save to complete the changes or Cancel to exit without applying the changes.
System generated copies of applications transition movement email are automatically Bcc. to Enrolled Administrators.
Emails to specific Administrators can be disabled from the Users area of Enrolled if specific Administrators do not wish/need to get any updates about Applications.