**Release Notes for PTO V2.12 (January 2024)
This page contains the updates implemented with the latest version of PTO.
For more detailed information, view links provided in each subsection of the documentation.
Display of Meeting Links
We have added a fourth meeting link display option ‘Disable clickable links’. This will allows schools to instantly disable all clickable meeting links, mainly to assist with events where a combination of meeting types (F2F and virtual) are conducted on different dates.
In addition, all meeting links will remain clickable for meetings for the reminder of the day they take place on, to assist when meetings/parents are running late.
Click here for more information on Clickable Meeting Links
Password Complexity Rules
To increase privacy protections, we have removed the use of PINs and increased the level of password complexity required for Parents and Teachers when data is loaded to PTO or reset within the Help Users section of the system.
The new rules required that passwords contain:
between 8 and 15 characters
a number between 0 and 9
a lowercase letter
an uppercase letter
A validation message will be generated if these new requirements are not met when uploading or changing passwords.
PTO Admin access across multiple PTO systems
To streamline PTO Admin access for schools with multiple PTO instances, the ability to move between linked PTO services is available on the Admin dashboard.
Users with multiple PTO instances can navigate to the Archives area of the PTO Dashboard page. Any linked PTO services will be visible in a dropdown. Selecting another linked system will navigate you to that linked system without the need to login again.
Users will only see systems where they are also a PTO Admin.
Click here for more information on PTO Admin functionality
We have also implemented several bug fixes and general system improvements.