Medical Conditions

Medical Conditions

The Conditions tab enable recording of Medial Condition information for students, staff, & community members.

Recording Information


This page enables the recording of a student, staff member, of community member's medical Conditions.









To record a Condition select +New Condition.


  1. Complete all mandatory fields, and the need for optional explanatory comments and/or an expiry date for the Condition.

  2. Consider whether a Medical Alert should be displayed to other users on this individuals profile.

  3. Consider the privacy treatment of this Condition in regards Reports & Extracts.














Mandatory Attachment Requirement


When creating a Medical Condition, or reviewing an existing Medical Condition, we have added new functionality to allow the option to make attachment of a supporting attachment mandatory.





While a Medical Condition can be saved without adding an attachment, even though an attachment is mandatory, an Action Required items will be generated and assigned to anyone holding the permission to edit a Medical Condition.
















These Action Required items can be selected and the user will be taken directly to the Medical Condition in question.

The Action Required item will remain until the attachment requirement is satisfied, or the Medical Condition is no longer current.













You will note the amber exclamation mark (and a tool tip) that are displayed to identify a Medical Condition requiring the addition of a mandatory attachment.





System Code Details


Medical Condition Details


Examples of Action Items flagged to anyone who have the permission to




Please consider reviewing your existing Medical Condition System Codes (Administration > System Codes) and whether each requires a mandatory attachment or note.

All new and current Medical Conditions are set to not requiring an attachment, by default.



To add or edit your your system codes simply select this link: Creating and editing System Codes.

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