Bulk User Creation Communications

Bulk User Creation Communications


This option can only be used if your school utilises the Educonnex communications module.

To create a communication to new users within the bulk user creation

  1. Follow steps 1 - 7 in Creating Users in Bulk

  2. Select Create Communication

  3. Complete the communication details

    It is recommended that a communication type(s) is created specifically for user creations

  4. Click the Tick

  5. You will be redirected to the Bulk Creation History screen to see the results of the creation activity

  6. Click where indicated to access the communication

  7. Generate and send the communication as normal

    See Communications for further information on sending communications.

Replaceable parameters for usernames are available when sending a communication through a bulk user creation.

When sending account information to new users where a random password has been set, we suggest the following email text (or similar) is used:

Hi {Recipient.FirstName},

Your user account has been created in Educonnex.

Your username is: {User.Username}

To finalise this process, you will need to go to {https://yourschool.cloud.educonnex.com.au/passwordreset} and follow the prompts to set your password.

When sending account information to new users where you have specified a password, we suggest the following email text (or similar) is used:

Hi {Recipient.FirstName},

Your user account has been created in Educonnex.

Your username is:{User.Username}

Your password is: {------}

You can log into Educonnex at: {https://yourschool.cloud.educonnex.com.au}


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