Locking and Deactivating User Profiles

Locking and Deactivating User Profiles

A school community can be a rapidly shifting environment where people can enter and leave, sometimes without much notice. Educonnex allows user profiles to be:

  • locked, temporarily disallowing access to a school's Educonnex system or; 

  • deactivated where a user will not be returning. 

To lock a user profile:

  1. In the community member profile, select the User Details icon

  2. Click Lock User

  3. Add a reason for locking the user profile and click Lock


  4. The user profile can be unlocked from the same screen by clicking Unlock User 

Locked user accounts will display the lock reason when that user tries to log in.

To deactivate a user profile

  1. In the community member profile, select the User Details icon

  2. Click Deactivate User

  3. Inactive users can be reactivated by clicking Activate

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