Editing the Day Structure of a Timetable

Editing the Day Structure of a Timetable

The day structure defaults to one week. Should you have a multiple-week timetable cycle you will need to add a week. Click on the + button next to Week 1. If the structure remains the same over this two week period you may wish to enter periods for  the 1st week then duplicate the week. This will save re-entering all the same data. 

To add periods to a day:

  1. Click the Day Structure tab.


  2. Click Add Period.  A new screen will appear.


  3. Complete the data entry fields.

    Below is a description of each field: 

    If you were to have a multiple-week structure - you will need to adjust the names of the periods so that you can identify the periods between weeks - For example, Week 1 Period 1 (W1P1).

  4. Click Save.

    Below is an example of this action performed multiple times.

While it is possible to add periods that overlap when creating the draft of the timetable, it will cause an error when the timetable is being activated. You should correct any overlaps before proceeding with activation.
Timetables with common period times can be set up together. If there are different timetables for different year levels, create a separate timetable where the period times aren't the same.

You can now edit the term structure of your timetable. See Editing the Term Structure of a Timetable.

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