Adding Classes to Periods (and shortcuts)

Adding Classes to Periods (and shortcuts)

To add a class to a period:

  1. Click the Timetable tab.

  2. Select the required Week (Week 1 / Week 2 etc.)

  3. Hover under the period name and click the + sign which appears.


  4. A data entry screen will appear.  Start typing the Class name to search and select the class to add.
    Only classes that have already been created will be available to add. See Creating a Class if you need to complete this step or your class isn’t appearing.


  5. Complete the data entry fields. 






Search and select the class you are adding to that period.


Displays the period to which you are adding a class.

Staff Member

The default Teacher will be visible that has been allocated at Class Level in the Subjects Module. You can choose a different staff member or add more staff members at this stage.


Choose the location of the class.

6.  Click Save. The class will now appear in the allocated period, colour matched to the year group it has been assigned with.   Multiple classes can be added to a single period. If these classes are independent of each other data must be entered for one class at a time.

7.  Continue this process until you have all your timetable entered.

Shortcuts when completing this process include:


How (PC)

How (Mac, using Chrome)


How (PC)

How (Mac, using Chrome)

Moving a class to a different period

Click and drag

Click and drag

Creating a double period (identifiable by grey dotted border)

Shift, click and drag (for all browsers except Chrome) Click, shift and drag (for Chrome only)

Click and hold, then shift, then drag

Copying a class to another period

Control, click and drag (release the click when class displays in correct place)

Click and hold, then control+ option, then drag

Remove a class by deactivating it

Select the class and select the Deactivate button

Select the class and select the Deactivate button

The finished product will look similar to this: 

You can now choose various parameters in the search bar at the top to view a certain part of the timetable at a time - like an Academic Level, or a teacher or a location or even a subject.

Your timetable is now complete. You now need to activate it. See Timetable Actions.

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