Amending a Form

Amending a Form

This instruction outlines how to carry out amendments you might need to make to a Form.

When undertaking an amendment to a Form the Actions required are dictated by whether the Form has been Published, and if it has been Published if it has been Viewed by an Audience Member.

Amendments to an Unpublished Form

Navigate to the Form requiring amendment, if unpublished it will have a Status of Draft.

  1. Select Actions.

  2. Select Edit Form as required.




Amendments to a Published Form not viewed by an Audience Member

Navigate to the Form requiring amendment, it will have a Status of Published or Open.

  1. Select Actions.

  2. Select Edit Form as required.

  3. Select Unpublish

  4. Proceed as described for Amending an Unpublished Form above

    If the Unpublish button is not active it means an Audience Member has already viewed the Form and the below instruction for Amending a viewed Published Form need to be followed.



Amendments to a Published Form viewed by an Audience Member

Once an Audience member has viewed a Form the option to Unpublish a Form is disabled.

At this point the Published Forms need to be Copied, and the existing Form needing amendment Wiithdrawn.

1. Selection Actions

2. Select Copy Form

3. Name the new Form and select Save (you can use the same name for the new Form as the current Form, if you wish.

4. You now have a copy of your existing Form in Draft Status so you can Edit to incorporate your required changes.

5. Then work through the Draft Form as you did in creating your current Form, including adding the Audience.




6. The last step is to select Actions for the current published Form needing amendment, and select the Remove option.




7. This will trigger a Warning Message allowing you to Proceed or Cancel your request to remove the published Form.









Use the Hide/Unhide Inactive button to view Archived Forms.




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