Completing a Form

Completing a Form

This section outlines how an Audience Member completes a Form assigned to them.

Opening a Form

Community Members who are added as an Audience Member to a Form will receive an Action Required advice on their Dashboard.

Select the Action Item.


The Creator of a Form determines whether a Student or their Carer/Guardian (as a proxy) is responsible for responding to a Form.

Notifications regarding the Form and any responses to the Form are directed to the Carer/Guardian if the Creator of the Form elected to use the completion by student proxy option.

Completing a Form

The user will then enter the Form and can complete the requirements of the Form and submit their Response.

Form Responses are saved in real-time, but not finalised until Submitted.

If a Carer/Guardian is proxy for multiple students in relation to the same Form the Carer/Guardian can complete the Form as one process with the Form pages automatically flipping over from one student's Form to the next as the Carer/Guardian progresses.

Submitting a Response

After selecting the Submit button a confirmation message will appear.

If Yes is then selected an acknowledgment of your response being submitted will be received.











Upon submission of a users Response, or upon a Form reaching its Closing Date, any Action Items related to the Form are treated as completed.

The Form is now recorded as Submitted or Not Submitted.

The user can still View, but not edit the Form at this point.

Responses are submitted in real time, and can only be amended if the Creator/Approver re-opens a users response.

If the Form requires Approval it will move to an Awaiting Approval Response Status, if not it will move to a Submitted Status.



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