Using Forms within Educonnex

Using Forms within Educonnex

This section outlines the interoperability between Forms and Educonnex.

Linking a Form to a Calendar Event

Once a Form is created it can be linked to Calendar Event, allowing for its completion by the Forms audience.

To link a Form to an event:

  1. Open Forms within Educonnex

  2. Edit the desired Form

  3. Select Schedule, and then Edit

  4. Select the Audience member profiles and selected Calendar Events option which will enable the Add Calendar Event button.

  5. Then use any, or all, of the available search fields to locate the Calendar Event

  6. Select your required Calendar Event/s from the list and apply the All Selected button.

  7. Your Form is now attached to your Calendar event.

    Responses to the Form will now be visible within the Calendar Event itself.

  8. Responses are then visible, searchable by Response Status, within both the Calendar Event, and the Form itself.





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