Sending a communication for unknown absences

Sending a communication for unknown absences

This is the ability to be able to send a message to parents/guardians regarding an unknown absence. Parents and Guardians can choose their receipt preference of these messages (SMS, email or push notifications) depending on the channel(s) set on the communication Type. 

To send a communication for unknown absences:

  1. Go to Menu > Attendance > Unknown Absences.

    A new screen will appear.

2. Click Actions > Notify Guardians.

A new data entry field will appear.


3. Enter information into the data entry fields. Below is a description of the fields:





Communication Type

Choose the Communication Type that has been set up for Unknown Absences. If it is not available from the drop-down then you will need to check and see that there has been a Type set up as Unknown Absences (See Types).

Custom Label

This is a label that you can put on this particular communication. It is optional. It is helpful if you are going to be running a number of communications and you need to distinguish between them. They are not system generated. You choose your own label.

4. Click Save

The system will now automate a draft of recipients and the message to be sent.  


Once completed this screen will appear:


You are now able to amend your message in the following ways:

  • Add recipients

  • Remove recipients

  • Change the view of your list 

  • Change the options of your message (Edit Communication Type, Revert Subject and Message)

  • Change the body of your message 

  • Deactivate the message as it is no longer needed See Amending a communication


After necessary amendments, you can generate the message (see Generating a communication).

5. Parent Responses

If you elect to use the Email option to send Absence Notifications to parents the parent can simply reply to your Absence email and the reply will be redirected to the user send the Unknown Absence' email address.

The absence details should then be updated manually into Educonnex.

If you elect to use the SMS option to send Absence Notifications to parents the parent can simply reply to your Absence SMS and the reply will be redirected as an email to your schools nominated email address.

You can request update of your SMS reply email details in writing, at anytime, by contacting the Educonnex Support Team via an Educonnex Support Ticket.

The absence details should then be updated manually into Educonnex.

Push Notification
If you elect to use the Push option to send Absence Notifications to parents you should outline the your preferred reply options to the parent in the notification, as reply functionality is not available via this communication channel.

However if the parent is receiving push notifications via the Educonnex app they will be able to action the Action Required - Absence Notification via the app, or login into Educonnex via a browser to action the Action Required - Absence Notification.


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