How to set Community Member Communications Preferences

How to set Community Member Communications Preferences

Community members can choose how they would prefer to receive their various messages. Once the Communication Types have been created, these will appear on the community member's profile from which preferences can be edited. 

To set preferences for a community member:

  1. Go to Menu > School Community > Search Community Members.

    A new screen will appear.


  2. Search for the community member.


  3. Click on the community member's name.



  4. Select the way you wish for the Community Member to receive the message for each communication type.

    • If there is only 1 message type available a circle will appear - if opted in.


    • If there are multiple message types available checkboxes will appear - if opted in. You may select 1 or more than 1 as your preference.


To opt in to receiving a type of message

  1. Click the opt in message underneath the channel of communication options.


To opt out of receiving a type of message

  1. Click the down arrow located next to the communication type. A drop-down menu will appear.


  2. Select the opt out option.

    A confirmation message will appear.


  3. Tick Please Confirm then click Yes.

To ensure that messages are sent without error, please make sure that the contact details are complete - mobile numbers and email addresses.  If there are more than one email or mobile number please indicate the preferred address to use, otherwise, it will be the first one on the list.


Also refer Mobile App communication settings.

Mobile App - Communications Settings and Preferences

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