Adding Content to Forms
This section outlines how to add content to Forms you create
There are four element types you can add to a Form:
a question;
an image;
a block of text; or
an approval requirement (refer to Adding an Approver)
Let’s look at each of these elements.
When creating or editing a Form you add components using this tool bar,
To Add a Question
select Add Question
type your Question, and add an image to the question if you wish
select the Question/Input type you require:
- Checkbox
- Multiple Choice
- Drop Down
- Short Answer (sentence)
- Long Answer (paragraph)
- File Upload
- Datedepending on the Question type you add, you will be prompted to customise your questions content (e.g. provide choices for the audience to select from)
add any further choices/responses you wish to offer, and repeat process as required
elect if a response is Required (otherwise a response to that component will be optional)
depending on the Question response type selected the option to add a minimum &/or maximum number of responses condition can be applied to the question.
To Add an Image
select Add Image
browse and attach the desired Image, and save
customise the Image size, and alignment
save the Image settings to complete the process
To Add Text Block
select Add Text Block
cut & paste Text Block into text area
add a Description if desired
Components added to a form can be Reordered by simply Dragging and Dropping in the location required.