General Settings

General Settings

In the Settings section, you can define the overall academic report template.

The following table gives you a brief description of the fields in the Settings section:







Define the academic report name that will appear on the actual academic report.


Define the subheading that will appear on the actual academic report.


Select a print template for the academic report.

Comment Character Limit

Define the maximal number of characters allowed for the Comment text field.



Include Absences

Tick this box if you wish to include students' absences in the report.


Absence Types

Select the type of absence (known or unknown) you would like to include in the academic report.


Split Absences

If you select All as Absence Type, you can define if you want the absences to be split into the different absence types or not.


Absences From and Absences Until

Define the period for which you wish the number of absences to be calculated.

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