General Comments Settings

General Comments Settings


In the General Comments settings, you can set if you allow for general comments against a student and include a signature against that comment in the academic report.?


  1. Click Edit.

  2. Tick those checkboxes you wish to allow.

  3. Once completed, click Save 

The following table gives you a brief description of the fields in the General Comments section:





Allow General Comments

Toggle whether you allow general comments for a specific academic level or not.

Allow Signatures

Toggle whether you allow signatures to be displayed for general comments for a specific academic level or not.
If you allow signatures, the signatures uploaded under the staff member's community profile will be included in the academic report.

If you've enabled general comments under General Comments, a Student General Comments field will be displayed for each student under the Students tab.

For more information on how to enter general comments, see Entering general comments against a student.

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