Release Notes 3.1.2-3 (April 2022)

Release Notes 3.1.2-3 (April 2022)


New Functionality

Certification Expiry Functionality

We have added functionality to Certifications to enable users to provide reminders to nominated users within Educonnex.

In addition to the existing fields available when creating a certification record for a community member, user can now:

Record how many days prior to the certification expiry you wish the the nominated users &/or roles within the school community to receive a Action Item within Educonnex in regards to the Certifications expiry.

Record the individual users, or the roles of community members, that you wish to advise of the expiry.





When the reminder is triggered the nominated Users &/or the nominated community member Roles will receive an Action Item regarding the certification expiry.





Deactivation of a Community Member/User profile

When a Community member profile is deactivated, Educonnex will now automatically deactivate the community members related user profile, if applicable.




Other general user experience improvements and bug fixes implemented.