Release Notes 1.14.1
What's new in Educonnex 1.14.1
The following enhancements have been made as a part of this release:
System is better aware of Daylight Savings Time Zones
Improvements have been made to the behaviour of Educonnex for schools who are in a time zone associated with daylight savings. These improvements will allow for the correct display of calendar entries for schools within a daylight savings time zone, correct calculation of attendance where the calculation occurs in a different daylight savings time zone than the one in which the attendance has been recorded and arrival/departure data will now be displayed correctly for schools in daylight savings time zones.
Labels Reports
Guardian mailing addresses can now be printed in label format by using the following new reports:
- Guardian Mailing Labels - Individual
- Guardian Mailing Labels - Per Address
These reports are located under the Family category.
Bug Fixes
Some schools were experiencing an issue that caused some report parameters to be intermittently unavailable. This has now been resolved.
Limits have been set for the number of timeout error messages that display to the user where timeouts occur for tasks that will automatically retry.