Release Notes 1.17

Release Notes 1.17

What's new in Educonnex 1.17

New Features

Bulk User Creation

Existing community members can now be updated in bulk to be users using the Bulk User Creation.
The bulk user creation allows you to

  • Automatically assign usernames in bulk
  • Automatically sets a user defined suffix to usernames
  • Allows a default role to be set against all users
  • Allows individual users to be assigned different roles
  • Sets a random temporary password, or allows the creator to specify the temporary password
  • Allows a communication to be sent to some or all users

For further information, see the help documentation: Bulk User Creation.
It is highly recommended this information is read in full before using the Bulk User Creation, as this contains important information regarding passwords and communications.

Roles - Look and Feel

 As a part of our overall improvement to the style of Educonnex, the Roles screen has been updated to the more modern card view used in the newer modules of Educonnex

Menu items have also been replaced with icons to bring it more into line with the Community Member modules. 

Action icons have been updated

You can view the name of a menu item by hovering over the icon.

Alternatively, if you preferred the old Educonnex view, you can click the menu view toggle icon see the names of the menu items. These have also been updated with a scroll bar in order to better fit smaller screens.


The following enhancements have been made as a part of this release:

Roles and Permissions 

You can now copy an existing role for modification, by clicking the action overflow menu within a role and selecting Copy Role. This will create a new role with the same permissions of the existing role which can then be edited. 

Delete and Disable options have been removed for Roles and replaced with a Deactivate option, which is available within a role under the action overflow menu. 

Updated Module Icons

As a part of our styling enhancements and to reduce duplication, some of the existing Educonnex icons have been updated. As we move further through this process, other icons may also be updated. 









Immunisation Changes - Primary School Record Keeping and Reporting

In line with new government legislation regarding immunisation record keeping and report generating for primary schools, the following new system locked immunisation codes have been created. 

  • 2 Months Immunisation
  • 4 Months Immunisation
  • 6 Months Immunisation
  • 12 Months Immunisation
  • 4 Years Immunisation

A new governmnent immunisation report for primary schools is also available which utilises these system codes, called Immunisation Status of Primary Students.

For further information, see help documentation: Immunisation Status of Primary Students

Student Attendance Result Filter

Student attendance results can now be filtered by result from the Day Attendance screen on the student profile. 

Communications Preferences

The communications preferences screen has been updated and the opt in/opt out process simplified. 

Ad Hoc Reporting

The following data is now able to be extracted out of Ad Hoc Reporting

  • Academic reporting data. 
  • Unknown absences
  • Uncategorised absences
  • Late arrivals and early departures
  • Timetable data

Attendance Visualisation Report

The Attendance Visualisation Report has been updated and now allows for drilling down into individual student data.

Student Background Details Report

A report has been created to extract background government information on students for various reporting purposes. 
This report is available under the Government category in Reports

This report includes the following data.

Student Information

Parent Information

  • Name
  • Gender
  • DOB
  • Country of birth
  • Indigenous status
  • Home language
  • School education code
  • Non-school education code
  • Occupation group code
  • Home language

Minor Enhancements 

  • Enrolment enquiry date can now be manually set. 
  • Enrolment enquiry reasons are now able to be managed under System Codes
  • Academic report Template One can now include assessment results
  • Community members with a single telephone number or email address will have this set as preferred. 

Bug Fixes

This release also contains a number of smaller enhancements and bug fixes. 

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