Release Notes 2.0.0 (July 2021)

Release Notes 2.0.0 (July 2021)



Assessment Publication

Assessment results can now be published to students' profiles.

When the Publish Results button is clicked after entering results for the assessment, settings for what should be displayed in the students' profiles can be selected.

Results can be displayed, including the pre- and post-conversion marks where a conversion scheme is used, as well as individual sections, where assessments are marked in sections.

Comments entered by the marking staff member may also be displayed.

Once the results are published, they will be available in the students' profiles.

Any existing results that have been published prior to this release will not automatically be visible. To make them visible, withdraw the results if required, then click Publish Results and follow the prompts.

Absence Explanations

Absences with no explanation for the day will have the additional categorisation 'Unexplained' added to them in the Day Attendance tab of the student profile.

Absence records for Day Attendance can now be filtered into 'Absent – Unexplained' or 'Absent – Explained'.
The existing options to search for all 'Absent' records still remains to display both of these absence types together.

Select any of these options, and click the magnifying glass icon to activate the filtered search.

Early Departure Information

Additional information can now be collected for student who are leaving early.

Community members with a relationship to the student can be chosen from a dropdown to indicate who the student is leaving with. If this isn't a guardian, there is provision to search for the community member profile from Educonnex, or to enter another name if required. Where the person collecting the student is not the guardian (or is the student themselves), an additional field is displayed to say which guardian authorised the collection, or if it was unauthorised.

Contact details and alerts can be viewed by clicking the appropriate button, as these will contain important information that should be reviewed before releasing the student.


'During Class' has been added as an option for Behaviour in a student's profile.

Citizenship and Residential Status

These fields have been moved to the Personal tab, from the Government tab, of the Community Member profile.

Gender and Relationships

A reminder will now appear when updating the gender of a community member, to check the relationships with other community members they are associated with are accurate.

The following relationship types have been added, in addition to the existing male/female equivalents:

  • Child

  • Ex Partner

  • Sibling

  • Step Sibling

  • Half Sibling

  • Parent

  • Step Parent

  • Step Child

  • Partners Child

  • Grandparent

  • Grandchild

  • Great Grandparent

  • Great Grandchild

  • Relative

  • Spouse


Community Members Profiles Missing Gender

A warning will now appear where you have community members where the gender is unknown. Male, Female, and Indeterminate are the choices available.

Community member profiles should all have a gender selected so that reports that rely on this information display accurate information.
A message will be displayed below the search box at the top of the Reports page, if there are profiles that don't have a gender selected. Click this link to be taken to community member profiles that require correction.


File Uploads

Files can now be uploaded for students, as a final step in the New Application Wizard. Select or drag and drop the file, click 'Upload', then 'Click here to refresh'.

If you don't have any files, you can click Finish to skip the page and complete the application.



Actions Required Notification for Attendance Marking

Classes that require marking will now appear as a notification for the assigned class teacher/s, in the Actions Required area of the dashboard.

Once a class is marked, it will be deducted from the number of classes that require marking for the day. The notification will be reset each day.

In order to see this notification, the assigned classroom teacher needs to have a role that has permissions for Timetable > Class Attendance. 

When the classroom teacher clicks the notification, they will be taken to the 'Today's Classes' page.

All classes for the day that will require marking will be shown if the classroom teachers' role has no restrictions. To make this page only display classes that the assigned classroom teacher should see, apply the Classroom Teacher restriction to Timetable > Class Attendance.

Only classes flagged for Attendance Marking Required will calculate toward the notification in Action Required.


Group Attendance

Year levels and/or classes can be entered when entering the initial details in the Information tab. By entering the students and/or classes from this location, there are less screens to go through to add students. Adding students from the Information tab will mean that students enrolled for the duration of the event as current students will be added as participants – any others will not.
If there are changes in enrolments before the event, simply go to the event, click 'Edit' then 'Save' – this will refresh the participants to allow for students who have been rolled in or rolled out by the event date.

Students and other Community Members can still be entered in the Community Members tab if required.


Tasks Design and Granular Permissions

The Assign to Me button and the location of Reminder option have been repositioned to more appropriate locations within the task tile.

The ability to restrict access to Tasks for only items that are assigned to the user has also been added. Within this 'self' restriction, separate 'View', 'Create', 'Update' and 'Delete' conditions have also been added.

System Administrator Role

The permissions for the 'System Administrator' role are now locked, and cannot be edited.


Version Number

The version number of Educonnex will now be displayed on the login page.


System Performance

  • The login page has been optimised, resulting in a significantly faster loading time. This will be particularly noticeable to users with heavy profile restrictions and schools using Educonnex outside of Australia. The very first login on your device may take a little longer, but subsequent logins will be much quicker.

  • Community member searches, have also had code optimisation that has significantly improved the time for results to be returned. 

Bulk User Creation

  • An error message when confirming bulk user creation has now been corrected.

  • Fixed an access issue when attempting to view Bulk Creation History.


  • Fixed labelling issues in relation to 'absence categories' were being referred to as 'attendance categories.' This change will also appear in the appropriate areas of Calendar Events, System Codes, and the Student Attendance (Absence) Categories reports (detailed and summary versions).

Attendance of Calendar Events

  • Cancelled calendar events will now remove the automatic school-approved absence explanation generated for students who attend the event where attendance marking is required.

  • Students who do not attend a calendar event will have no explanation provided for their absence. Students absent from the event will not appear in Unknown Absences, however this feature has been slated in for an upcoming release.

Advanced Community Member Search

  • Advanced search of community member will now return results when searching for non-numeric postcodes.

Student Search

  • Fixed an issue where searching students by course was not available.

Timetable - Creation

  • The days of the week now start on Monday, rather than Sunday, when creating a new timetabling period. 

Default Staff Member for a Class

  • Fixed an issue that allowed any community member to be added as a default staff member for a class.


  • Reinstated code to restrict access to Assessment administration to only the assigned staff member.

  • Checkboxes are now responsive when adding or removing outcomes for an assessment.

Academic Reports

  • Removed extraneous checkboxes next to search results for academic reports.


  • A change made by the NSW Government to the field configuration NAPLAN report has been completed.

  • The Student Absence Category Summary By Year Level report has been optimised to avoid timeouts.

  • Corrected an issue with the Govt Stats Report that was returning the incorrect calculation for the number of Possible School Days for students who have started part way through the collection period.

  • The Student Attendance Visualisation report has now been linked to the Attendance category.

  • Reports marked with an 'R' now have simplified choices for the extract formats available.


  • Fixed an issue that was generating incorrect staff member information on the Parent Teacher Interviews extract.

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