Release Notes 1.16.2
What's new in Educonnex 1.16.2
The following enhancements have been made as a part of this release:
Inactive Classes Display Warnings in Timetable
If a class in a timetable has been made inactive, a warning will now show on the timetable entry to allow easier detection of the inactive class.
Count of Students in Subject Managment > Classes
The total number of students in a class will now display on the Students tab of the Classes screen in Subject Management.
Language Background other than English (LBOTE) Report
The LBOTE report is now available under the Reports module in Educonnex. This is located under the Government category.
The Govt LBOTE Summary is the file that should be uploaded to the government website.
The Govt LBOTE Student Detail report contains the Govt LBOTE Summary information per student, so anomalies can be easily identified
When running the Detail or Summary Report, the Client Id refers to the Government supplied AGEID code. This is unique per campus.
Ad-Hoc Reports - Assessment Module
Data from the Assessment module can now be extracted in the Ad-hoc reporting module.
Minor Enhancements
- Search Academic Reports screen now sorts reports by newest to oldest.
- Student Attendance Summary Report by Home Group now allows home group to be selected as a parameter.
- Student Attendance Summary Report by Year Level now allows year level to be selected as a parameter.
- Improved error messages for communications module
- Student information sub-heading can now be minimised
Bug Fixes
This release also contains a number of smaller enhancements and bug fixes.