Release Notes 1.17.5

Release Notes 1.17.5


Behaviour Sub-Types
In addition to Behaviour Merit and Demerit Types, Sub-Types can also now be created, edited, re-ordered and deactivated from the System Codes page. The Sub-types are available in the area directly under the Types.
These will be available to add to Community Member profiles, under the Behaviour tab.

Extra Curricular Sub-Types

Extra Curricular Types and Sub-Types can also now be created, edited, re-ordered and deactivated from System Codes page. The Sub-types are available in the area directly under the Types.
These will be available to add to Community Member profiles, under the Extra Curricular tab.

Recurring Calendar Events

Events that repeat can now have the event details replicated at the time of creating the initial event. By ticking the new checkbox next to 'Recurrence calendar event', a new part of the screen will be activated:
Use 'Daily' for events that occur on consecutive days.
Use 'Weekly' for events that occur on the same days of several weeks.
Use 'Monthly' for events that occur on the same date or day of each month.
Events can be set up to repeat within 1 year of the event start date.
Once these are set up, you will need to add the participants to each event individually, then activate the event when appropriate.

More Home Group Autonomy

Following the release of the home group management page in the last release, we've now added the ability for users to administer the students and staff members for each home group. This means you can create new home groups, deactivate unpopulated home groups, add and remove students, update the staff linked to home groups, and change home groups to a new name if they all move together.


Control Visibility for Attendance and Assessments

Marking Attendance in Today's Classes
A new 'Classroom Teacher' restriction has been added to the permissions in Roles.
By enabling this restriction in the Timetables tab, staff who were able to access 'Today's Classes' will only be able to see the classes they are assigned to.
This also works with the new functionality added in the last release, which allow you to change a teacher (or location) for a specific class – very handy when you have a teacher away.

Details of Assessments in Curriculum Management
The restriction is also available in the Assessments permissions. When added to a role that was able to access the Assessments page from Curriculum Management, it will only show the information related to an assessment if the staff member is assigned to it.



Overlapping Periods
Within the same timetable, a period being added that overlaps an existing one will now show a warning. You can choose to still proceed, amend the details if they were incorrect, or cancel adding the period.

Deactivating a Period Before Removing a Class
Removing a period that has a class already allocated to it will mean that activating the timetable will error and you won't be able to proceed. A warning will now appear to remind you to remove the class before deactivating the period.

Please note that you can still proceed by clicking Deactivate if you choose to (which will lead to the error when activating). If you do this in error, you can still click Show Inactive in the Day Structure tab, reactivate the period, and it will be restored.

Search Community Members

Indeterminate gender is now available in the advanced searches. Click the dropdown arrow next to the search field, click the dropdown under Gender, and Male, Female, and Indeterminate can be chosen. The same options are available in Community Member, Student, and Staff Member searches throughout Educonnex.

Community Member Photos

Profile photos individually uploaded will now be automatically resized, so that the loading time for search results is reduced. The initial photo will still need to be under 1MB when uploaded, and will be clear on reports with photos when printed up to A3 size paper.

Login Background Image Proportions

Not a change in code, but more for general information. The aspect ratio that will work best for the login page has been defined as 2:1. Using this ratio will ensure that the best possible compatibility on different devices that your school community may use to access Educonnex. Text to remind you of this will appear when editing the background image.



Timetable Warnings

  • Fixed an issue with copied timetables showing a conflict warning being retained from the original timetable.

Weeks in a Term

  • Fixed an issue that was calculating the number of weeks in a term based on previously used term dates.

Class Teachers viewing their students' profiles

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing some staff members from being able to view the profiles of students that their permissions would normally allow.

Search Students

  • Fixed an issue reported by one school that was preventing searches for students.

Enrolment Application – Community Member Email Address

  • If an email address for an existing community member is update just prior to an enrolment application being completed, it will now pick up the newly-added email address.

Attendance Marking

  • Rolled out students - An isolated report of students appearing in classes they were rolled out of after they had been rolled over to the next year has now been corrected.
  • Calendar Events that 'Requires Attendance Marking' – for calendar events on a single-day, the 'Absent' record will now be retained for the original and new date in Day Attendance, and the explanation in Absences for the leave will be move to the new date, when the date is changed after attendance is marked. It will no longer create duplicate entries for these. Further works are in progress for multiple-day events that have the same change made.


  • The Student Residential Address Collection report has been modified to meet the 2018 requirements.
  • Fixed an issue where the Current Student List By Year Level With Student Id would generate an error where non-numeric year levels exist at a school.
  • 'Current Student Guardian Contact Details by Home Group' is now displaying current Home Groups.
  • An issue with 'Govt Attendance STATS Student Details' report will now correctly calculate the number of possible days and resulting calculations correctly, for students who start later or leave earlier in the collection period.

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