Release Notes 2.1.0 (July 2021)
Calendar Events
Students marked as absent from a calendar event can now appear in Unknown Absences.
The following combination of conditions determine that a student will appear in Unknown Absences:
The calendar event has the 'Requires Attendance Marking' setting
The student is marked as absent from the calendar event
The student is not marked as present at school instead of the calendar event
The calendar event must be taking the place of at least the first attendance marking period for the day
Importantly, the regular class roll should still be marked, to account for any students who came to school instead of the calendar event.
Unknown Absences
Students marked as 'Absent' in the Unknown Absences page will now have the more comprehensive modal available when recording an absences from the student's community member profile.
Period Information
The period time is now visible when marking attendance, in Today's Classes:
Late Arrivals/Early Departures
The words 'Departure' and 'Arrival' have been added to the respective screens. This is so that users who are marking attendance enter the movement time for the student, rather than the time that the entry was created.
If the heading of a list of outcomes is deselected when the linked outcomes are selected, it will show the selected outcomes as their own entity in the published assessment record.
In addition to the recently added 'Assessments' tab in the student profile, the 'Results' area has had an axis change to allow additional sections to be displayed.
This has been specifically designed so that students and their guardians can clearly see results for assessments that are made up of multiple sections.
Ad-hoc Reports
Residential Status and Citizenship Status have been added as fields that are available for ad-hoc reports. These fields can be found under the heading 'Community Members.'
Government Reports (Australian Schools Only)
We've added the newly-required Student Background Data Collection Report. There are two versions that have been created. (EDUC-2641)
Verification - where the names and year levels of the students are included, so that students that have incorrect/missing information can be adjusted to provide accurate information.
Submission - the anonymised version of the report, formatted to the requirements of ACARA. This report needs to be generated using the Excel option in order to be compliant with ACARA's requirements.
Reports that Include Gender Information
The following reports have been updated to correctly display gender information for male, female, and indeterminate gender.
Enrolment Applications By Student Type
Enrolment Applications By Year Level
Student Age As At Date
Student Medical And Emergency Contacts
Students By Home Group
Students By Subject
Students By Year Level
Repeating Calendar Events
When setting up a calendar event with recurrences, a prompt to confirm what the user has asked for is what was intended. This is to avoid replication of user errors in a series of events.
A date picker has been added to the Calendar tab of the Community Member profile. This will allow users to jump straight to a specific week, rather than having to navigate one week at a time.
Medical Conditions
Additional options have been added for extracting data in relation to the medical information of a community member.
The existing 'Confidential' checkbox has been changed to 'Show On Reports & Extracts', and the existing setting for this is inverted. This means that:
Existing conditions that were marked as 'Confidential' will have now have the 'Show on Reports & Extracts' unticked.
Existing conditions that were not marked as 'Confidential' will have now have the 'Show on Reports & Extracts' ticked.
If 'Show on Reports & Extracts is ticked, the condition will appear in the existing reports and ad-hoc reports that use this information.
'Show On Reports & Extracts' will be automatically ticked for new conditions, but by clicking the dropdown indicated in the image below, the options available will be revealed.
If any of the checkboxes underneath it are also ticked, it will replace the respective component with 'Refer to Profile'.
Actions Required
The colour for the 'Actions Required' heading now matches all other headings on the home page. This is so that users who don't change their primary colour in Educonnex are still able to easily see the heading.
Adding Roles
When creating a new user (someone who doesn't have a community member profile already), the whole tile is now clickable when adding a role for the user.
Internet Browser
As Microsoft Internet Explorer has not been in production since 2013, it is no longer compatible with the technology used by Educonnex.
As such, any users who try to use Internet Explorer to access Educonnex will now see a splash screen, which suggests browsers that can be used instead of Internet Explorer.
A new permission extension has been added, in addition to those that relate to the ones already in place for different groupings of community members.
This option is only listed for roles that have 'Restricted' next to the role name.
By clicking the dropdown arrow on the left of a permission, the options available appear. 'Others' can be selected, where the users with the role need to be able to access community members that aren't aligned to any of the surrounding options listed.
The new option will cater for permissions that apply to accessing information about a community member who doesn't have an established role in Educonnex as a guardian, student, or staff member in the past, present, or future.
It is important to note that this permission is not designed to be set up in isolation - it should be used in addition to any surrounding permission extensions that are applicable to the user.
Users who do not have a 'Restricted' profile do not require this to their existing permissions.
Previously there were two types of 'tasks' in the Administration permissions - Tasks and Admin Tasks.
One of these was automated processes that occur in the background, so we have made this automatically enabled for all users and removed the front-end controls for this.
The remaining 'Tasks' now determines if the user can access the Tasks function, shown below. This permission retains the option to only allow access to a user's own tasks, where applicable.
Actions Required
Fixed an issue where users with several pages of Actions Required did not see all items after the third page.
Academic Reports
Fixed an isolated issue where duplicate community members were preventing Academic Reports from generating.
Removed the Publish button for users who don't have the appropriate permission to publish assessment results.
The following reports were not linked to any categories, and were previously only visible by a keyword search:
Schedule of Fees - now visible in 'Accounts Receivable' and 'Finance' categories.
Calendar Event Contact List - now visible in 'Attendance' category.
Calendar Event Student Roll - now visible in 'Attendance' category.
Student Information - now visible in 'Students' and 'Medical' categories.
Current Student Medical Conditions report no longer displaying expired conditions.
General Navigation
When the button is clicked to show more entries in the left margin of some pages, editing and saving an entry in the main area of the page will now retain the number of entries displayed on the left.
Removed the extraneous error messages appearing with the text 'Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0'.
Community Member
Community Member search results will now return results with surname as the primary sort order, with the preferred name/first name as a secondary sort order.
The maiden name field has been restored in the Personal tab of the Community Member profile, and is no longer aligned to one gender.
The advanced community member search had a few fields that weren't returning responses across the different types, which has now been corrected.
Optimised code for Community Member Search to ensure satisfactory response time.
Corrected issue where future students were being returned as part of current students in advanced community member searches.
Community member searches for users with restricted roles has been restored to only return profiles that the user's permission allows them to see.
Today's Classes
Addressed an issue where users that have a role which had restrictions enabled were not able to see classes.
Fixed an issue where some users were unable to see the Edit button for an existing enquiry.
The campus field has now been made mandatory for enquiries where the student details are entered.
Advanced searches for applications by year level is now working.
Correctly applied the 'Delete' permission for Payment Configuration.
Help button has been redirected to the new location for Educonnex Help Documentation.
Curriculum Management
Fixed an error that was appearing when adding a custom outcome to a subject.
A correction has been applied to remove multiple entries appearing for a single date, in Day Attendance.
Fixed an issue where an override of Day Attendance record filter was picking up the original state instead of the new one.
Home Groups
Addressed an issue that was preventing staff members from being added to home groups.
Armenian characters are now supported when locking a user account.
Adjusted permissions to allow access to Search Timetables as appropriate.
Bulk user creation modified to only allow user account creation for active profiles that don't already have a user account.
Calendar Events
Calendar events where the 'all-day' flag is checked will now replace all existing classes within the calendar event dates and times.
Amended date display for calendar event permissions to be in day - month - year order.
Classes that are directly adjacent to a calendar event's times without overlapping will now appear.
System Code Mapping
Stopped the 'Create' button appearing for users who don't have the permission to create new system code maps.
Fixed an issue where the fields available in the dropdowns in the message text were inserting at the beginning, when they were supposed to appear at the end.