Release Notes 1.17.1

Release Notes 1.17.1

What's new in Educonnex 1.17.1

New Features

Emergency Reports

In response to your feedback, we have introduced an Emergency Report feature to Educonnex. 
This feature will allow any user with access to run reports to quickly access reports flagged as "Emergency Reports"  from any screen within Educonnex. To complement this feature, we have also created an Evacuation Report which we recommend adding as an emergency report. Further details about this report are available below.

For further information, see Emergency Reports

Evacuation Report

An evacuation report has been written to assist you in emergency situations. This report will generate a list of every student in the school and whether or not they are currently listed as being present on campus. This can be printed at any point and used to mark rolls in emergency situations. 
Students will be either listed as present (has been marked as present or having a late arrival with no subsequent departure), absent (has been marked as absent or having an early departure with no subsequent arrival) or unknown (no attendance has been recorded for this student). All reported data will be current as at the time the report is run. 

We recommend using the Evacuation Report in conjunction with the Emergency Reports feature described above.


The following enhancements have been made as a part of this release:

Student Registration and Demographic Report

Western Australian schools can now run the Student Registration and Demographic report for primary students directly from Educonnex. This report can also be run for high school students as required. 

Minor Enhancements 

  • Absence report parameters are now multi-select
  • Removing an academic level from a timetable will now deactivate all classes in the timetable associated with that year level. 

Bug Fixes

This release also contains a number of smaller enhancements and bug fixes.