Release Notes 1.13
Academic Reporting Enhancements
The help documentation for Academic Reporting has been updated in full to accommodate all changes and new features. It is recommended that all relevant staff familiarise themselves with this information:
The following enhancements to the Academic Reporting module have been made as a part of this release:
Academic Report Configuration Screen
There is a new configuration screen, from which various new settings for Academic Reports may be accessed.
Further information about each of these configuration options can be found below or in the help documentation
Student Entry by Student
Teachers can now enter results per student instead of per class, by going to the student tab.
Teachers will be able to to search for individual students, all students within a year level, or all students within a specific class.
General comment entry must completed from this page.
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation
Student General Comment
General Comments can be used to enter in overall comments against students.
- General comments must be entered from the Student View screen.
- General comments may be turned on or off per academic level.
- The use of general comments is largely determined by the unique template/s that have been created for your school and may be dependent on other template requirements. Please see the individual documentation that has been issued to your school to determine whether the use of General Comments is appropriate for your template.
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation:
Free Text Fields
Free text fields can be used to enter additional text that is not linked to a particular subject or student in your academic report (eg, Principal's message).
- Multiple free text fields may be added and ordered within your academic report
- Free text fields can have a staff member associated with the text, with a signature and staff position included, if required.
- The use of free text fields is largely determined by the unique template/s that have been created for your school and may be dependent on other template requirements. Please see the individual documentation that has been issued to your school to determine whether the use of free text fields are appropriate for your template.
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation:
Subject Ordering
The order that subjects display on the printed Academic Report can now be set by the school.
Some display configuration on unique school templates is determined by one or more subjects being placed in a specific order (eg. Pastoral Care may need to be the first subject listed in order for the a table to display in a specific place or way in the template). Please see the individual documentation that has been issued to your school to determine if there are specific subject ordering requirements for your template.
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation:
Class Configuration
Multiple teachers can now be associated with a single class on the printed academic report (eg. for classes where the teachers job-share it may be necessary to have both names showing on the printed academic report).
- Assigning multiple teachers to a class affects the printed report only and will not impact who the class has been assigned to for student entry.
- Teacher names displaying against classes is determined by the unique template/s that have been created for your school and the requirements that were provided at this time.
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation:
Comment Character Limits
It is now possible to set character limits on teacher comments.
- Character limits imposed after a comment has been added will not retrospectively change the comment.
- The comment character limit can be set under Configuration > Settings
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation.
It is now possible to upload a signature against individual staff members for use within the academic report.
- The signature tab on the community member profile is permissioned independently of the other community member information tabs, so the school can determine who has access to view, upload and delete a signature.
- While the overall position of the signature is determined by the school template, which signature appears in each preset location within the template can be determined by the order of the images
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation
Upload Images
The images that are used in academic report templates can now be uploaded by the school to allow greater flexibility in template changes.
- While the overall position of the images is determined by the school template, the image that appears in each preset location within the template is determined by the order of the images.
- Images may not be larger than 2MB
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation
Absence Types
If including student absences in an academic report, you can now determine whether the report includes just known absences (absences where an explanation has been provided by the parent and entered into Educonnex on the student profile) just unknown absences (where the student has been marked absent in class but no explanation has been provided and/or entered into Educonnex) or both. If both, these can displayed as a total number of absences or split into the number of known and the number of unknown absences.
This option is available under Configuration > Settings
For further detailed information, please visit our Help Documentation
Smaller Academic Reporting Improvements
- Guardian address extract available from within the Academic Report
- Teachers no longer require access to academic report configuration to enter student results.
- Progress bar shows progress of academic report actions, including preparing student entry, document generation and publishing reports.
- Teachers can assign classes to another teacher from the student entry page
Other Enhancements
Student Permission available as Actionable Item
When setting up a new Permission Code in System Codes, an actionable item will automatically be created and appear in the guardian's Action Required box. Once the guardian has granted or denied permission, the status of that particular student permission will be updated and can be viewed in the Permissions tab of the student's profile.
Clicking application link in an enrolment enquiry will open the application within the same tab.
The ability to access Student Search and Community Member search is now permissionable within roles.
Bug Fixes
This release also contains a number of smaller enhancements and bug fixes.